It’s a $100 million annual fleecing of Louisiana taxpayers and insurers paying out Medicaid claims. And it reportedly involves legions of insureds who come nowhere close to actually satisfying the threshold income requirements for garnering eligibility. We reported on...
Insurance Law
How Has Medicaid Expansion Defrauded Louisiana Insurers, Taxpayers?
What is one material benefit of commanding a higher salary than Louisiana Gov. John Bel Edwards?Notably, it is still being able to establish eligibility for enrollment in Medicaid.That might sound flatly far-fetched to readers of our insurance defense blog across...
Faked death yields insurance fraud criminal charges for three
It’s not immediately clear what term might be most apt to describe the criminal caper spotlighted below in today’s blog post. Bold? Brazen? Audacious? Ultimately, and when case commentators have had their full say, a simple “stupid” might best suffice. He liked the...
Spiking class action defense costs worrying U.S. companies
As if they haven’t already got a lot on their minds …Principals at large enterprises in Louisiana and nationally routinely multitask across multiple dimensions. Company decision makers simultaneously focus on matters ranging from new products, financing and cash flow...
Louisiana officials announce tighter Medicaid eligibility rules
It’s not exactly mincing words to refer to a federal agency administering a major national program as a “department of dunces.”Safely couching disdain was clearly not on the mind of Louisiana Sen. John Kennedy, though, in comments he recently aimed at the U.S....
Continued spotlight on AI assists in uncovering health care fraud
We know at Caffery, Oubre, Campbell & Garrison in Lafayette that health care fraud not only exists in Louisiana and across the United States, but runs rampant. In fact, it is of epidemic proportions and ever-escalating. We duly note in a recent firm blog post...
A look at AI’s increasing role in spotlighting medical fraud
A recent Forbes article on a distinct challenge to insurers from the medical realm underscores that the industry “is susceptible to a range of fraud that can cause financial harm and drive up costs in the system.”That is perhaps the most underwhelming statement...
National pharmacy chain spotlighted in major fraud case
Insurance fraud is sometimes relatively confined.Yet it is just as often both sprawling and egregious, as well as vastly harmful to the American public.Recent court-approved settlements involving Walgreens leave no doubt as to the sheer dimensions and adverse effects...
This was insurance fraud, not a mistake, say Louisiana authorities
Talk about differing interpretations.A New Orleans resident wearing two hats as a police department supervisor and church pastor terms it an honest mistake and nothing more. NOPD Lieutenant Gervais Allison’s attorney says that his client’s involvement in a serious...
Close scrutiny: insurance industry focuses on adjuster liability
America’s insurance industry is currently riveted on the details of an interesting court case from Washington State. That matter centrally spotlights the extension of personal liability in bad-faith litigation.The key facts of the case can be quickly sketched. An...