Many things can impact an auto insurance company's long-term well-being. This includes how happy it's customers are with it and how customers feel about the services it provides. So, customer satisfaction is very impactful for auto insurers.According to a recent J.D....
Month: June 2018
More active hurricane season predicted for Gulf Coast
Researchers at Colorado State University’s “Tropical Meteorology Project,” considered some of the top predictors of hurricane activity in the Atlantic Ocean, have predicted a robust hurricane season for America’s Gulf Coast. As usual, cities and towns throughout...
The interplay of swimming pool injuries and insurance
As summer’s heat descends on parishes across Louisiana, countless people seek refuge in backyard swimming pools. The majority of these fun times will end without incident, as people splash and swim to their heart’s content, get out, dry off and then go about their...
Four key steps to avoid a bad faith claim
Bad faith claims are tedious, costly and time-consuming. They can drag on for months or even years after the resolution of the underlying insurance matter. One way to prevent having to defend against a bad faith claim is to avoid them altogether. These four tips will...
What insurers should know about ‘sliding.’
Truth in advertising spans a great deal of services and products offered by Louisiana businesses. Essentially, if you advertise to the marketplace certain things about your offerings, it cannot be done with the intent to conceal or deceive. This mandate undoubtedly...