There are obviously insurance-linked disputes that are destined for a courtroom and a formal judicial outcome realized through the intervention of a judge and jury. Parties in some matters – thorny contractual impasses or cases where acrimony is writ large, for example – simply see no other way to resolve legal challenges other than through court-guided adversarial litigation. In fact, they often insist on it.
That is not always the case, though. Many at-odds individuals and businesses understandably seek a resolution venue that is more about flexibility and compromise than scorched earth.
Mediation can make for a sensible alternative to litigated conflict in some instances, providing parties with a welcome out-of-court experience. A mediated process and outcome is often suitable for resolving issues that span a truly wide universe of legal concerns.
Many of those matters comprise key practice areas at the proven Louisiana insurance-defense law firm of Caffery, Oubre, Campbell & Garrison in Lafayette. Effective mediation can address and sometimes optimally resolve issues linked with property insurance, motor vehicle accidents, workers’ compensation claims, employment-linked liability and many other concerns.
We invite direct inquiries to our firm from parties seeking more information about the strong value that mediation can bring in resolving select insurance disputes. Mediation participants are often pleasantly surprised by clear benefits conferred through the process. Those can include material cost savings, reduced time-linked pressures, enhanced flexibility, a comparatively relaxed informality and greater autonomy exercised by the participants.
Formal courtroom litigation is not the only process for resolving material insurance challenges. A trained mediator can provide further information.