Many insurance companies planning to hire

On Behalf of | Sep 6, 2016 | Insurance Law

It appears that, these days, insurance companies are particularly likely to be looking to add to their staff. This is what a recent report from an ongoing study indicates.

The study, which has been going since 2009, is called the U.S. Insurance Labor Outlook Study. It is conducted by a pair of insurance support/consulting companies. The study involves surveys of various organizations in the insurance industry. The study periodically releases reports on its current findings on hiring outlook within the industry.

The most recent report found that adding staff is something that over 66 percent of insurance companies plan to do in the next 12 months. This is the highest level of planned hiring the study has ever found.

Why do you think there is currently such a big focus on increased staffing in the industry?

For any type of company, there are concerns that go along with adding new workers. For insurance companies, among these concerns is ensuring that new employees act properly when it comes to claims issues. Missteps by any of their employees when it comes to policyholder claims could create significant problems for an insurer. This could include increased chances of claims disputes arising. So, new-employee training on claims handling (including dispute handling) can be a very important area of focus for insurers who are increasing their staffing.

When a dispute arises regarding an insurance claim an insurer received, whether the claim was handled by new or veteran employees, the insurer should consider turning to a skilled insurance defense attorney for help with the matter.

Source: Insurance Journal, “66% of Insurers Plan Increased Hiring Over Next Year: Study,” Aug. 22, 2016